Q&A: Hawai’i Budget and Policy Center director Beth Giesting’s economic update – State of Reform
Beth Giesting is the director of the Hawai’i Budget and Policy Center (HBPC), a public policy research and analysis program under Hawai’i Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice. Giesting’s work highlights the intersection between health care and policy, with a focus on their impacts on Hawai’i’s low-income and underserved communities. This month, Giesting published an analysis of the “pandemic recession,” which details the nuanced impacts of COVID on Hawai’i’s job market, affordable housing, and different communities.
In this Q&A, Giesting updates State of Reform on the pandemic’s effect on the state economy, Hawai’i’s housing crisis and its role as a social determinant of health, and key takeaways from the state budget.
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