Letters: Free college means no skin in the game; Solving social, economic problems isn’t socialism; It’s not clear what constitutes ‘fair share’
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Free college means no skin in the game
Terrence Ching’s advocacy of free college in the U.S. is another display of misguided but immature good intentions typical of big-government advocates, from President Joe Biden to too many naive parents who feel a college degree is the magic key to a better life (“Free college education won’t destroy country,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, Oct. 15).
Don’t you know a college graduate who wasted four years of his or her youth in college? Free college, like free K-to-12 schooling, is evil in its own way — there’s no “skin in the game.”
Alan Matsuda
Hawaii Kai
Solving social, economic problems isn’t socialism
Robert Hatakeyama relied on outdated political information when he falsely asserted that Democrats are pushing for socialism (“Socialism is dangerous to America’s…