Karzai: Biden order on frozen funds ‘atrocity against Afghans’ | Business and Economy News
President Biden signed an order to free $7.1bn in Afghan assets to be divided between 9/11 victims and humanitarian aid to Afghans.
Former Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai has called a White House order to unfreeze $3.5bn in Afghan assets held in the United States for families of 9/11 victims an atrocity against the Afghan people.
Karzai, at a packed news conference, sought the help of Americans, particularly the families of the thousands killed in the 9/11 attacks, to press President Joe Biden to rescind last week’s order.
“The people of Afghanistan share the pain of the American people, share the pain of the families and loved ones of those who died, who lost their lives in the tragedy of September 11,” said Karzai.
“We commiserate with them [but] Afghan people are as much victims as those families who lost their lives. Withholding money or seizing money from the people of Afghanistan in their name is unjust and unfair…