Nebraska drops ban on poultry events | Local Business News
One human and more than 37 million birds—comprised mostly of poultry across 172 commercial flocks and 119 backyard flocks in 34 states—have been been affected in the current avian influenza outbreak.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced in April 2022 that a Colorado man was the first reported U.S. citizen to have contracted the H5N1 virus during the current outbreak. The patient was an inmate at a state correctional facility whose pre-release employment program involved the depopulation, or killing, of poultry at a commercial farm in Montrose County. His only symptom was fatigue, and he has since made a complete recovery.
Stacker compiled statistics on the avian influenza in Nebraska using data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The data is current as of May 9. According to the USDA, the affected count captures the total number of birds on the premises where the H5N1…