Lycoming Mall avoids sheriff’s sale once again | Local Business News
Pennsdale, Pa. — Looks like Lycoming Mall is out of hot water – once again. The sheriff’s sale that was set for Friday, May 6, was canceled as of Wednesday morning.
The mall owner apparently had come through in paying a debt of more than $240,000 in back bills to Lycoming County Water and Sewer Authority.
“We did get paid for the amount past due and they even paid this month’s bill,” said Christine Weigle, executive director for the Lycoming County Water and Sewer Authority.
“We are pleased we received the payment and this month’s payment as well.” Weigle added that the authority’s attorney went to the Lycoming County Courthouse this morning to cancel the sale. The cancellation is now reflected on the county website.
Back in January, the authority filed a judgment against the mall’s owner, Lycoming…