Big business is making last-ditch effort to kill Biden tax increases
“It still remains to be seen whether the Biden administration is good or bad for business.”
That was Josh Bolten, president of the Business Roundtable, at a meeting on Wednesday with reporters. The influential corporate lobbying arm, as it turns out, is trying to help answer the question by blocking the president’s proposals to tax Big Business more aggressively.
These proposals, the roundtable has argued publicly for months, would be bad for business and the broader U.S. economy. How so? They would discourage investment at home and give an advantage to rivals abroad, making American companies less competitive.
“They could produce a product more cheaply overseas and import it to the United States more cheaply than we can,” produce it here, Bolten said about foreign rivals.
It’s a time-old argument of the private sector, of course, but not an unreasonable one given a fiercely…