Ask SCORE: How to secure a SBA loan | Business News
QUESTION: I understand it’s easier to obtain a loan from the Small Business Administration than from a commercial bank. What do I need to do to be considered for an SBA loan?
ANSWER: The SBA does not make loans. Rather, if you qualify, it guarantees between 75% and 85% of the loan proceeds, due to default, to banks. You’ll pay an additional 3% to 3½% interest for the guarantee, added to the interest charged by your bank.
Suffice to say, you should first try to secure a direct loan from your bank. Failing that, you should ask if it takes part in SBA guaranteed loan programs.
To be considered, you’ll need to provide a business plan that outlines your company’s goals and how you intend to achieve them. SCORE provides an outline for start-up and established business that can be accessed at
Your plan should state the amount of money you want to borrow and how it will be used to grow the business. If…