Anti-lockdown movement citing ‘common law’ for exemption
Anti-lockdown supporters are trying to use the idea of common law as an excuse to disobey COVID-19 safety measures, writes Tom Tanuki.
WHEN RICKY and his wife Sam were asked to sign in at a vegan restaurant on the Sunshine Coast, they refused. Instead, they produced documents which they began reading out to the manager on duty. Their papers talked about “common law” and the purported illegality of COVID-safe restrictions. They told the manager what she was doing was illegal and that she could be sued.
A month later, they returned to the same restaurant. They did the same thing: refused to sign in, argued and threatened. This time, they were recording. It was a busy night and the general manager was on site.
Sarah had had enough — she’d now had two distraught managers threatened by this couple and she’d already been forced to write up a document for staff specifically for “common law” time-wasters issuing threats….